Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Practicegate presser notes

- Today sharing the notice of allegations received from NCAA.
- Integrity at core of a university
- Make all necessary changes. We will not make excuses.
- Addressing concerns quickly and head on.

- Will highlight major areas of concern and provide document from NCAA. RichRod will make statement. Can’t answer all questions but will be as open as we can.
- Never been involved in rule violations of “this nature”
- "This is a tough day."
- Dedicate ourselves to learning from this.
- NCAA allegations: Revealed areas we need to improve.
- Quality control people engaged in prohibited coaching behaviors. May not engage in skill development of give advice while stretching or watching game film. Quality control can now sit in on coach’s meetings but couldn’t when they did.
- Allegation that they exceeded permissible practice hours during some weeks this year.
- Overages is approximately 2 hours a week in offseason.
- During season, overage by less than 1 hour. Sometimes 20 minutes
- There were no situations where any athlete’s welfare was put in jeopardy
- Significant reason for overages is internal confusion over what is and is not countable. Significant portion of discrepancies.
- There was no charge of loss of institutional control.
- Address one other allegation: During the summer, coaching staff was disciplining unexcused absences from class. Reprimanding players during the season is a normal situation. Not permissible during summer months. We made a mistake.
- repeat violator rule. Aware that may be subject to this rule because of 1996 Fab Five case. Penalties are up to NCAA to decide, rules allow for discretion. Probation period overlaps with current violations by a few months.
- Created failsafe procedure for internal tracking.
- CARA forms have system with notices to coaches/AD and eventually president.
- Quality control staff is no longer present in any situation that could be construed as a coaching situation.
- Next steps: Spend time reviewing all allegations and see how they match up with internal investigation. If details do not match, will provide info. NCAA has requested additional information. Standard and will prepare responses. Will self-impose sanctions. Prepare response to the NCAA and will have a hearing in August. Until file response, will not be discussing the investigation.
- No accusation is trivial. We take this report very seriously and will learn from it and get better. Leadership has been the foundation of this program and will be in the future.

- As the head coach, it is my responsibility. I will do all I can to carefully monitor the activities.
- Make sure no compliance problems in the future.
- Be very open and very transparent.
- Proud of team. Excited about the program.

Brandon: Based on my reading, there was no one that was maliciously falsifying documents. My read is we had a breakdown internally in some of our policy and procedures. That led us to where we are today more than anyone individual being incompetent or malicious.

"Rich Rodriguez is our football coach and will be our football coach next year"


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